collection of fun speaking activities will really motivate students to communicate in English. The activities include role plays, dialogues, discussions and speaking games, focusing on specific language areas as well as general communication. There is no substitute for active use of a language versus passive reading. Doing the activities in this collection will help develop your students' confi…
Prinsip Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Bahasa adalah buku teks klasik pemerolehan bahasa kedua yang digunakan oleh program pendidikan guru di seluruh dunia. Prinsip memperkenalkan konsep-konsep penting melalui definisi istilah, pertanyaan yang menggelitik, tabel, dan bagan.
Dalam tulisan ini istilah psikologi bahasa dan psikolinguistik disikapi sebagai sebuah sinonim. Kedua-duanya merupakan kajian bahasa secara eksternal, yakni mengkaji bahasa dari segi psikologi. Dengan kata lain, psikologi bahasa atau psikolinguistik merupakan kajian bahasa yang melibatkan dua sisiplin ilmu, yakni psikologi dan linguistik. Kajian linguistik antardisiplin ini, selain merumu…
stilah “perencanaan bahasa†atau language planning sudah tidak asing lagi bagi negara mana pun. Bahkan, istilah ini merupakan salah satu program nasional bagi negara yang menginginkankan sistem komunikasi verbalnya berjalan dengan lancar dalam segala bidang kehidupan di negaranya.
Dalam tulisan ini istilah psikologi bahasa dan psikolinguistik disikapi sebagai sebuah sinonim. Kedua-duanya merupakan kajian bahasa secara eksternal, yakni mengkaji bahasa dari segi psikologi. Dengan kata lain, psikologi bahasa atau psikolinguistik merupakan kajian bahasa yang melibatkan dua sisiplin ilmu, yakni psikologi dan linguistik. Kajian linguistik antardisiplin ini, selain merumu…
in this revised and fully updated new edition of his popular textbook, Jim Miller discusses the central concepts of syntax which are applied in a wide range of university courses, in business communication, in teaching and in speech therapy. The book deals with concepts which are central to traditional grammar but have been greatly refined over the past forty years: parts of speech and how to r…
Speaking & Listening Skills: shows students how to give the well-structured, detailed replies that examiners are looking for in the speaking module; contains numerous audio examples of model speaking test performances on the accompanying CD; covers a wide range of the key grammar and vocabulary that students will need to give their best possible performance in the exam; advises on strategies fo…
this text has been prepared as a reading and speaking practice book for beginning level students of English as a Foreign Language. Although the exercises have been prepared to be presented orally in the classroom, teachers may opt to have students prepare some of the exercise material as writing practice assignments. The reading selections are to be considered as the principal info. source. The…
The best-selling English Pronunciation in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice title suitable for self-study or classroom work. Sixty easy-to-use units cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. An additional reference section offers a glossary of specialized terms, help with the pronunciation of numbers and geographic…
Speaking Naturally is for intermediate and high intermediate ESL/EFL students who are interested in using English in social interaction. Each unit contains:" Presentation of language functions (thanking, agreeing, disagreeing, inviting, etc.) in both formal and informal situations" Informative readings on the cultural rules students need to know in real-life situations" Exercises and role plays…
Teknik Dasar Menguasai Public Speaking Salam, Selamat datang di ebook Teknik Dasar Menguasai Public Speaking yang dikompilasi oleh TipsPublicSpeaking.NET Public Speaking bukan lagi monopoli MC, presenter, public figure, ataupun para birokrat. Perkembangan zaman telah ‘memaksa’ setiap orang untuk menguasai kemampuan bicara di depan umum: siapapun dia, apapun profesinya. Sayangnya, m…
ETS serves individuals, educational institusions and goverment agencies by providing customized solutions for teacher certification, english language learning, and elementary, secondary and post-secondary education, as well as conducting education research, analysis and policy studies
Comparative Literature focuses on the study of literature from different cultures, nations, and genres, and explores relationships between literature and other forms of cultural expression. Comparative Literature poses such questions as, What is the place of literature in society? How does literature as a form change over time, and in relation to other forms of making art? How does literature s…
Word Power 3000 Vocabulary Test and Exercises adalah buku klasik karya L. A. Hill. Buku ini sangat bagus bagi siswa bahasa Inggris yang sedang menghafal kosa kata, karena berisi Test dan Latihan Vocabulary sehingga bisa mengasah otak dan menguatkan hafalan.
dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan islam, buku ajar menjadi komponen penting, karena menjadi media wajib bagi siswa untuk memperoleh pengetahuan.