Machine learning merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence) yang berkembang sangat cepat dan telah menyebabkan masalah klasifikasi, regresi, klastering, dan anomaly detection pada berbagai bidang dapat diatasi lebih efisien. Misalnya, pengenalan sel yang bersifat abnormal berdasarkan citra CT Scan membantu dokter mendiagnosis pasien. Pengenalan jenis dan lokasi…
Education in the U.S. has been under fire for quite some time, and for good reason. The numbers alone tell a very disconcerting story: according to various polls, 70% of teachers are disengaged. Add to that the fact that the United States ranks last among industrialized nations for college graduation levels, and it's evident there's a huge problem that needs to be addressed. Yet the current edu…