sebagai sebuag bagian wilayah penting masa lalu, jelas bahwa riwayat sejarah sidayu sangat layak dan pantas untuk diungkap ke permukaan secara ilmiah dan mendalam.
Setiap era pemerintahan memiliki tantangannya sendiri sehingga melahirkan respons kebijakan serta dampak yang berbeda. Direktur Eksekutif Katadata Metta Dharmasaputra menambahkan melalui tampilan visual ini, diharapkan sejarah perekonomian Indonesia dapat dipelajari dan dipahami secara lebih mudah, cepat dan menyenangkan. "Direncanakan, infografik ini selanjutnya akan dikembangkan ke dalam form…
pedoman penulisan karya ilmiah ini disusun berdasarkan kebutuhan yang di rasakan oleh sivitas akademika dalam menulis karya ilmiah yang berupa skripsi, tesis, disertasi, artikel jurnal, makalah, tugas akhir dan laporan penelitian.
Continuing the success of the bestselling Practice Makes Perfect series, Practice Makes Perfect English Grammar for ESL Learners features well-organized presentations, skill-building exercises, and a focus on practical conversational skills. Here you will find clear explanations accompanied by highlighted examples and boxed summaries of key points. You also get numerous exercises in a variety o…
Let an exceptional teacher-trainer show how a little organization can help teachers do it all How can teachers cover all the content mandated by standards, reach all of their students, and still have time to do everything else they want to do as teachers? Published in partnership with the National Education Association, The Total Teacher presents a proven and practical method for all teachers …
How can busy teachers successfully manage the complex task of assessing their students' reading comprehension? This invaluable book--the first stand-alone guide on the topic--presents reliable, research-supported guidelines and procedures for K-6 teachers to use in the classroom. Through practical tips and realistic examples, the book demonstrates time-saving ways to implement and adapt a wide …
- 5 TOEIC Practice Tests - Answer Key - Audioscripts For the listening tests - An mp3 audio CD with all the recordings for the listening sections - Additional Vocabulary Exercises
This is an introduction to pragmatics, the study of how people make sense of each other linguistically. The author explains, and illustrates, basic concepts such as the co-operative principle, deixis, and speech acts, providing a clear, concise foundation for further study.
Sociolinguistics is the study of the interaction between language and society. In this classic introductory work, Janet Holmes examines the role of language in a variety of social contexts, considering both how language works and how it can be used to signal and interpret various aspects of social identity. Written with Holmes' customary enthusiasm, the book is divided into three sections which…
The book starts with a discussion of how pragmatics has come to be a sub-study of linguistics and then anchors on language in use, which basically focuses on the analysis of meaning, particularly aiming at introducing the students with the notion of meaning and its complexities. Speaker meaning is particularly in focus as it is generally perceived as the domain where pragmatics most significant…
When it comes to pinpointing the stuff you really need to know, nobody does it better than CliffsNotes. This fast, effective tutorial helps you master core grammar, usage, and concepts – from parts of speech, punctuation, and clauses to common sentence errors, misused words, and the elements of style – and get the best possible grade. At CliffsNotes, we're dedicated to helping yo…
This book will be most useful to those who have had Cognitive Coaching and Adaptive Schools training. My copy is already dog-eared and colorfully highlighted. As an instructional coach, this book is my bible of facilitating productive meetings, working through conflict, and putting a spotlight on toxic meeting behaviors. I couldn't live without this book! The best part is the last section in wh…
This important new leads the adult and secondary school student who is an absolute beginner to fluent English through four integrated books. Each the four books can, however, be used Independently of the others and can indeed be entered at any point. The course will be found particularly suitable for adult students in need of remedial work; schools and language institute where wastage caused by…
Salah satu saran dari banyak orang yang sudah lolos TOEFL dengan skor tinggi, maka untuk menghadapi TOEFL diawali dengan membaca tuntas buku grammar karya Betty S. Azar dari buku pertamanya. Biasanya buku yang sering dipakai di kalangan mahasiswa belajar bahasa Inggris adalah dengan mempelajari buku keduanya yang berjudul “Understanding and Using English Grammarâ€.
Buku Understanding and Using English Grammar ini merupakan Second Edition yang disusun oleh Betty Schrampfer Azar dan diterbitkan oleh Longman. Di Indonesia, terdapat edisi Inggris-Indonesia, yang bertujuan untuk membantu para pemula sedikit memahami arti kata sebenarnya dalam penjelasan materi yang ada. Dilengkapi dengan beberapa sub judul materi tentang grammar dalam berbahasa Inggris, bu…