Nurseline Journal (Jurnal Vol.4 No.2 2019)
NurseLine Journal (NLJ) is a open source journal (e-journal) for nurses, health care profession, and researcher which published by Nursing School, University of Jember in collaboration with National Nurse Association of Indonesia in Jember (DPD PPNI Kabupaten Jember). NLJ have a p-ISSN 2540-7937 and e-ISSN 2541-464X. NurseLine Journal is published twice in a year, May and November. The NurseLine Journal received both original article research and original literature review articles that have not been published in other media or other scientific journal.
Focus and scopes of the journal including:
Medical and surgical nursing (Adult)
Emergency and critical nursing
Gerontological nursing
Community nursing
Family health nursing
Mental health nursing
Pediatric nursing
Maternity nursing
Nursing leadership and management
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in nursing
Education in nursing
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