From the moment he rescues the beautiful, passionate Maud Fallon from the icy waters of the Hudson one wintry day in 1849, Daniel Quinn, a twelve-year-old orphan, is thrust into a bewildering, adventure-filled journey through the tumult of nineteenth-century America. As he quests after the beguiling and elusive Maud (she's fourteen), Daniel will witness the rise and fall of great dynasties in u…
Romance was the preeminent narrative form through which medieval Christendom imagined its encounter with the world. But in the early modern period, religious war and commercial and colonial expansion radically changed the terms of that encounter. This book traces the process through which Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton, and others adapted, revised, or resisted romance, mapping a world of increasi…
This topical study examines the 'novelizations' of radical literary theory in the work of A.S. Byatt, Angela Carter, Umberto Eco, John Fowles, Richard Powers and many other leading novelists. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the 'post-theoretical novel', and traces an alternative history of the 'theory revolution' in recent literary fiction.
Dengan 1600 vocabulary (kosa kata) dan ilustrasi menarik membantu memahami esensi cerita. Pembaca diajak berkelana ke dunia horor yang mencekam, ketegasan detektif mencari fakta, dan tragisnya cinta sepasang kekasih yang membawa kematian.
Sebuah Cerita yang lugas, di seling senyum simpul, tawa juga tamgis, namun di balik semua itu, buku ini membawa kita berwisata ke kekayaan budaya nusantara berlatar suku Kamoro di papua.
Pengajaran sastra merupakan proses interaksional untuk memperoleh makna melalui karya sastra dan membangun pengetahuan tentang sastra. Model-model pengajaran untuk mencapai tujuan ini beranjak dari teori, desain, praktik, dan evaluasi. Dalam bentuk pakem, pengetahuan sastra adalah ilmu sastra yang terdiri dari teori satra, sejarah sastra, dan kritik sastra. Namun, perkembangan kesusastraan d…
This accessible guide provides the ideal first step in understanding literary theory. Hans Bertens: • leads you through the major approaches to literature which are signalled by the term ‘literary theory’ • places each critical movement in its historical (and often political) context • illustrates theory in practice with examples from much-read texts  
Buku ini berisi kumpulan tulisan yang ditulis oleh ahlinya, tentang prosedur umum kegiatan penelitian, prosedur khusus penelitian sastra dan berbagai alternatif pendekatan, sampai pendekatan yang paling mutakhir, dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh konkret. Semula tulisan ilmiah ini merupakan bahan-bahan yang disampaikan dalam penataran penelitian bahasa dan sastra yang diselenggarakan FPBS IKIP M…
If you're going to read only one novel by the prolific American writer Louis Auchincloss, this is the one to read. It is a minor modern classic and represents Auchincloss's best work during what I regard as his prime period. The Rector of Justin tells the life story, from schoolboy to death at age 85, of Frank Prescott (Dr. Francis Prescott), rector/headmaster/founder of the exclusive New Engla…
The "Hidden Force" is a 1900 novel by the Dutch writer Louis Couperus. The story is set at the end of the nineteenth century and concerns the cultural gap between East and West,between the Netherlands and their colony on Java. The Dutch colonists, who rule Java, realize that the island maintains its own natural order by way of a hidden force, "goena goena", a term denoting magic as well as dept…
Voice of courage emerging from the onslaught of military atrocity responsible for the massacre of millions of defebseless victims across the archipelago in 1965 purge. The silence voices of the dead carried by the breeze of the night over mountain and valleys, across the open killing field of Boyolali, over the blooded filled waters of Kali Brantas, Sungai Kapuas, Sungai Musi and beyond.***
Family vacations: we’ve all taken them. Many view family vacations as some of the greatest learning experiences and transforming moments of life. Life Lessons from Family Vacations is an indulgent adventure unto itself, with many engaging family stories that will remind you of your own travels and perhaps reignite your globetrotting spirit (and courage) to journey with family again.
This is a novel about a man's lifelong efforts to atone for an act of instinctive cowardice. Young Jim, chief mate of the Patna, dreams of being a hero. When the Patna threatens to sink and the cowardly officers decide to save their own skins and escape in the few lifeboats, Jim despises them. But at the last moment, dazed by horror and confusion, he joins them, deserting the 800 Muslim passeng…
Why fear Shakespeare? By placing the words of the original play next to line-by-line translations in plain English, these popular guides make Shakespeare accessible to everyone. They introduce Shakespeare’s world, significant plot points, and the key players. And now they feature expanded literature guide sections that help students study smarter, along with links to bonus content on the…