proyek dengan jadwal waktu dan dengan biaya terbatas perlu direncanakan dengan cermat agar tidak terjadi masalah klasik pembengkakan biaya dan kekurang manpuan pihak investor maupun manajemen menantisipasi jadwal proyek yang terlambat, selain itu nilai uang yang berubah dengan tingkat bunga tertentu juga harus dipehatikan jika ingin kesuksesan sebuah proyek investasi lebih terjamin.
Motor bensin merupakan mesin pembangkit tenaga yang mengubah bahan bakar bensin menjadi tenaga panas dan akhirnya menjadi tenaga mekanik. Secara garis besar, motor bensin tersusun oleh beberapa komponen utama meliputi: blok silinder (cylinder block), kepala silinder (cylinder head), poros engkol (crank shaft), piston, batang piston (connecting rod), roda penerus (flywheel), poros cam (cam shaft…
the core of the matter is always about changing the behavior of people, and behavior change happens in highly successful situations mostly by speaking to people's feelings
Entertaining, magnificent, enlightening, and so relevant to the future
-leverage your current technical knowlegde to in crease the rate of innovation -use the cycle of change to foresse and handle change related issues affecting yourself, others and business -raise your emotional intelligence to match your IQ -guide change initiatives with repeatable success by using the reliable three-step change model
the brand admiration model provides a compelling framework for developing brands that enhace value to customers and companies alike. such brands connect with customers and meet goals contributing to their happiness by providing meaning, identity, and emotion
Make the employee a core part of your strategy
-prevent common issues -why baselines matter -how to organize your dat-tips on setting up tables -working with pivot charts -how to forecast seasonal sale revenue -forecasting with regression
Caurage to Execute shows readers another way, a combat-proven path to success where simplicity combats complexity: where a simple military-inspired process creates focus, accountability, constant improvement, leaders, teamwork, and ultimately, success.
-gather and analyze the right information -document your assesment -address performance problems -set challenging goals
-take a self-evaluation quiz in order to determine if youre franchise material -learn to asses your skill set and match your interests and aptitudes with an appropriate franchise
The New Rules Of Sales And Service, the market place has vaulted forward requiring the new rules to be extensively rewritten in this revised and expanded edition
The China Factor's case studies and practical resources make this book a must-read for any corporation that wants to win globally, particularly as innovation is being redefined
-new chapters on data quality and how to personalize and extend JMP -revised case studies with detailed instructions and illlustrative screenshots demonstrating the latest functionalities in JMP and JMP Pro, Version 12
The Engagement engine We define workplace culture and employee engagemewnt and break down how they impact your businnes
-adapting to emerging realities rapidlynenough to survive -two of the most important fundamental components of a winning bussiness model- the market and insudtry -properly positioning your company and how creating two versions of the same product can be a winning strategy -the skills required as a leader, how meetings kill starups, and why its sometimes important to fire clients -how to fin…
-the critical "three levers evercise" that should drive investment policy -the role of various tradisitonal and alternative investments in nonprofit portfolios -how to improve asset allocation strategy, the single most important determinant of performance -prudent methods for selecting, evaluating, and terminating investment managers -the best practices of effective investment committees