Lima Tahun Menegakkan Konstitusi
Penyusunan buku ini mengacu pada Hukum Acara MK sebagaimana diatur dalam UU MK dan Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi, serta diperkaya dari perspektif teorits, komparasi, dan praktik. Di dalamnya tidak hanya berisi uraian normatif, tetapi didahului dengan penjelasan teoritis yang diikuti dengan pendalaman komparatif. Dalam penggambaran hukum acara, juga diuraikan perkembangan - perkembangan yang ter…
Dilengkapi dengan Perpres No.83 Th.2007 tentang Badan Narkotika Nasional, Badan Narkotika Provinsi, dan Badan Narkotika Kabupaten/Kota
UU RI No.24 Tahun 2004 tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan
Amandemen Undang Undang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban undang undang nomor 31 tahun 2014 dilengkapi dengan PP RI Nomor 44 tahun 2008 tentang pemberian kompensasi, restitusi, dan bantuan kepada saksi dan korban
ETS serves individuals, educational institusions and goverment agencies by providing customized solutions for teacher certification, english language learning, and elementary, secondary and post-secondary education, as well as conducting education research, analysis and policy studies
The Province of West Java is one of the highest HIV sufferers in Indonesia that has increased accumulatively in 2013 to 2014. This condition was proven that in 2014 West Java ranked 4th among the provinces with the highest HIV sufferers in Indonesia. HIV has main target to infect a cell that contains of receptor, CD4. CD4 examination routinely is very important to decide HIV replication process…
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (JKI, or Nursing Journal of Indonesia) is the oldest and most respected broad-based nursing journal in Indonesia. The journal was established in 1997, and as the name suggests, JKI has become a pioneer in the publication of nursing journals in Indonesia. Its presence has been invaluable to the vast growth of the nursing profession in the country and to the developme…
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (JKI, or Nursing Journal of Indonesia) is the oldest and most respected broad-based nursing journal in Indonesia. The journal was established in 1997, and as the name suggests, JKI has become a pioneer in the publication of nursing journals in Indonesia. Its presence has been invaluable to the vast growth of the nursing profession in the country and to the developme…
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (JKI, or Nursing Journal of Indonesia) is the oldest and most respected broad-based nursing journal in Indonesia. The journal was established in 1997, and as the name suggests, JKI has become a pioneer in the publication of nursing journals in Indonesia. Its presence has been invaluable to the vast growth of the nursing profession in the country and to the developme…
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (JKI, or Nursing Journal of Indonesia) is the oldest and most respected broad-based nursing journal in Indonesia. The journal was established in 1997, and as the name suggests, JKI has become a pioneer in the publication of nursing journals in Indonesia. Its presence has been invaluable to the vast growth of the nursing profession in the country and to the developme…
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (JKI, or Nursing Journal of Indonesia) is the oldest and most respected broad-based nursing journal in Indonesia. The journal was established in 1997, and as the name suggests, JKI has become a pioneer in the publication of nursing journals in Indonesia. Its presence has been invaluable to the vast growth of the nursing profession in the country and to the developme…